DIY Training Guide: Introduction

Learn how to use the eCADSTAR applications with the online DIY training. The training guides you through the process of creating a parts in a library, setting up the technology and design rules for a PCB project, creating the schematic for the project and then producing a PCB circuit, including analyzing the design and layout, using various features and functions of the eCADSTAR Applications.

The DIY Training Guide will familiarize you with the basic functionality of eCADSTAR by describing the application, and providing short, practical tasks. These tasks will guide you through using eCADSTAR Library Editor, including the Technology and Design Rule Editors, eCADSTAR Schematic Editor and eCADSTAR PCB Editor. They also provide training for SI Analysis, PI/EMI Analysis and SPICE Controller.

During the process of creating a PCB design, you will update the library, configure technologies and rules, and create a schematic. Each section of the training can be completed in any order, as the required data is provided. However, it is recommended that you follow the training in sequential order.


How to use Training

There are 4 main sections to the training, one for each of the eCADSTAR Applications.

  • eCADSTAR Library Editor, including Technology and Design Rule Editors
  • eCADSTAR Schematic Editor, including SPICE Controller
  • eCADSTAR PCB Editor, including High Speed PCB Design
  • eCADSTAR Analysis module, including Signal Integrity Analysis, Power Integrity/EMI Analysis and Electrical Editor.

The training is presented in the intended order of learning but you can choose which training you complete depending on which application/s you are going to use as part of your job role.

Within each section there will be various modules guiding you through the basic operation of that eCADSTAR application. You will be introduced to the application the features and functions, shown the user interface and controls and how to get started in that application. You will then be guided through the set-up, design and analysis process, following the typical process flow, using the files that are provided with your eCADSTAR installation.


Note: The training files that are required in the training is automatically installed onto your computer when you use the installer.


Step-by-Step Guide

The DIY Training is your guide to getting started with the eCADSTAR tools.

It provides information to help you understand how the eCADSTAR applications work and guide you through using the basic features, along with tasks that provide a step-by-step guide on how to use the features and obtain the required results.

Each task has written steps with screen-shots to guide you through the task and a video visually guiding you through the task. You can choose to view the instructions or watch the video, or both, depending on how you wish to learn.


Figure 1: DIY Training PCB and Schematic Design

So, make yourself comfortable and get ready to delve into the world of eCADSTAR.


eCADSTAR Library Editor

Library Editor

Library Editor Introduction

Library Architecture

Library Editor User Interface

Task 1: Using the Library Searcher

Optional Task: Creating New Libraries

Schematic Symbols

Overview of Symbol Editor

Task 2: Using eCADSTAR Symbol Editor

PCB Footprints

The Footprint Editor

Library Layers

Task 3: Generating a Rectangular Pad

Task 4: Generating a Circular Pad

Task 5: Generating a Padstack

Task 6: Creating a Footprint

Task 7: Parametric Footprint Generation

Alternate Footprints

3D Models

Task 8: Specifying a 3D Model


Library Editor: Parts Tab

Task 9: Creating a Part

Swapping Gates

Swapping Pins

Other Library Functions

Non-Electrical Objects

Task 10 (Optional): Adding User-defined Attributes


Technology and Design Rules


Technology and Design Rule Editors

Introduction to the Technology and Rule Libraries

The User Interface

The User Interface

Creating New Technology

Task 1: Opening the Technology Library

Task 2: Creating a Technology Library

User-Defined Layers

Task 3: Creating User Defined Layers

Layer Mapping

Layer Mapping

Task 4: Mapping the Footprint Layers to the PCB

Creating a Design Rule Library

Introducing the Design Rule Editor

Task 5: Building a Design Rule

Task 6: Setting the Track Specification

Task 7: Creating the Via Specification

Task 8: Setting the Conductor Clearances

Task 9: Configuring Hole/Area Settings

Task 10: Configuring Via Hole Settings

Task 1: Specifying Product and Application Settings

Task 11: Setting Component Areas

Task 12: Configuring Non Conductor Settings

Task 13: Configuring the Grids Tab

Checking Design Rules

PCB Technology View


eCADSTAR Schematic Editor


eCADSTAR Schematic Editor Introduction

eCADSTAR Schematic Editor Overview

eCADSTAR Schematic Editor Overview

Specifying Product and Application Settings

Task 1: Specifying Product and Application Settings

Creating a Schematic

Task 2: Creating a New Schematic

Task 3: Adding Parts and Symbols

Task 4: Adding and Naming Nets

Task 5: Adding Gates

Task 6: Grouping Components for Placement

Design Rule Checking and Parts Lists

Task 7 (Optional): Creating Variants

Task 8 (Optional): Specifying a User-defined Attribute




eCADSTAR PCB Editor Introduction

The eCADSTAR PCB Editor Interface

PCB Generation

Task1: Board Generation

Display and Environment Settings

Task 2: Inputting the Board Outline

Task 3: Adding the Layout Area

Task 4: Entering Holes in the Board

Component Placement

Arrange Components

Task 5: Placing Components

Placement Tools

Task 6: Placing the Design

Task 7: Placing Components by Coordinates

Task 8: Aligning Components by Location

DRC for Component Placement

PCB Routing

Task 9: Generating Fan-outs

The Add Route dialog

Task 10: Routing the Design

Task 11: Activ-45 Routing

Positive Power Planes and Template Areas

Task 12: Creating Templates on Inner Layers

Task 13: Creating Templates on Outer Layers

Task 14: Adding Vias to a Design

Post Routing Processes

Task 15: Reinforcing a Track

Task 16: Creating Fillets

Post Design Checking

Task 17: Design Rule Checking

PCB Cosmetics

Symbol Mark Generation

Task 18: Creating Reference Designators (Symbol Mark Creation)

Task 19: Cutting Symbol Marks

Task 20: Adding Dimensions

Task 21: Hole Drawing Creation

Scale by Area

Manufacturing Outputs

Printing a Design

Task 22: Exporting Photo Data

Task 23: Exporting Drill Data

Task 24: Producing a Parts List

The eCADSTAR PCB Autorouter

Introduction to the Autorouter

The Routing Strategy Dialog

The Routing Strategy Dialog

Task 25: Adding an Unroute Row

Generating Results

Task 26: Executing a Strategy

Autorouter Tasks

Operation Column

Text/Comment Column

Objects Column

Layers Column

Settings Column

Targets Column

Task 27: Applying Changes to the Strategy

The Routing Consultant

The Routing Consultant

Task 28: Analyzing the Design and Correcting Issues


eCADSTAR High Speed PCB Design

Introduction to High Speed PCB Design

Design Entities for High Speed Design

Design Entities for High Speed Design

Task 1: Creating Buses

Task 2: Defining Differential Pairs

Topology Templates

Understanding Topology Templates

Task 3: Defining the Topology Templates

Task 4 (Optional): Defining the Topology Templates: Point-to-Point

Task 5: Assigning Topology Templates

Skew Groups

Understanding Skew Groups

Task 6: Defining Skew Groups

Task 7: Constraining Skew Groups

Routing to Constraints

Task 8: Routing Branched Address Signals

Task 9: Applying Batch Lengthening

Task 10: Applying Manual Lengthening


eCADSTAR Signal Integrity

Introduction to SI Analysis

Introduction to eCADSTAR SI Analysis

Task 1: Managing Simulation Models

Performing Post-Layout Analysis

Task 2: Performing Post-Layout Analysis

Defining the Layer Configuration

Setting Up Components

Setting up Signals

Checking the Topology

Task 3: Extracting the Topology

Task 4: Checking Transmission Lines

Performing Analysis

Task 5: Performing SI Analysis

Task 6: Performing Eye Pattern Analysis

Task 7: Performing TDR Analysis

Task 8: Performing FD Analysis

Checking in Constraint Browser

Task 9: Viewing Analysis Results

Task 10: Viewing a Summary of Differential Pairs

Task 11: Displaying Delays

Task 12: Viewing a Pin Pair Route Report

Electrical Editor

Task 13: Performing What-if Analyses

Introduction to Electrical Editor

Creating New Scenario Data

Assigning Models

Assigning a Stimulus

Placing a Termination Resistor

Applying a Topology

Crosstalk Analysis

Parameter Sweep

Analysis Result Viewer

Introduction to Analysis Result Viewer

Task 14: Using Analysis Result Viewer

Showing or Hiding Waveforms

Automated Measurements

eCADSTAR Power Integrity/EMI Analysis


Introduction to eCADSTAR PI/EMI Analysis

Preparation for Analysis

Task 1: Preparation for Analysis

Checking Layer Configuration

Recognizing and Changing the Component Type

Checking the Simulation Model

Checking the Voltage

Starting the PI/EMI Analysis Module

EMI Analysis

Introduction to EMI Analysis

Task 2: Performing EMI Analysis

Component Attributes

Signal Attributes

Performing EMI Analysis

Verifying I/O Coupling Noise

Verifying I/O Common Mode Noise

PI Analysis

Introduction to PI Analysis

Setting Supply Systems

Task 3: Performing PI Analysis

Performing PI Analysis

Checking Input Impedance

Checking Impedance Distribution

The Effects of a Decoupling Capacitor

The Impact of Routing

DC Analysis

Introduction to DC Analysis

Task 4: DC Analysis

Configuring Vias

Setting the Supply and Consumption Source

Performing DC Analysis

Checking the Voltage Distribution

Checking the Current Distribution



Introduction to Analog Simulation

LTspice Installation and eCADSTAR Configuration

Task 1: Installing LTspice

Task 2: Setting the Executable Path in Schematic Application Settings

Task 3: Adding Include Files for the Simulation

Task 4: Setting Command-Line Arguments

SPICE Controller Tools and Settings

SPICE Controller Tools

Component and Pin Properties for SPICE Simulation

Settings for SPICE Simulation

Task 5a: Assigning a SPICE Model Name

Task 5b: Setting a SPICE Element Header

Task 5c: Assigning SPICE Pin Numbers

SPICE Controller Manager

SPICE Controller Manager

SPICE Controller Manager Ribbon

SPICE Controller Tools in Schematic Editor

Netlist Out

Pin Table Resource Editor

Task 6: Netlist Out to SPICE Controller

Task 7: Defining DC Voltage Sources

Task 8: Defining an AC Signal Source

Analysis Conditions

Transient Analysis

DC Sweep Analysis

AC Sweep Analysis

Performing LTspice Analysis

Specifying a Parameter Sweep

Voltage Operating Points

Using Numeric Values in SPICE Controller

Task 9: Creating a Transient Analysis

Task 10: Creating a DC Sweep Analysis

Task 11: Creating an AC Sweep Analysis

Task 12: Operating Voltage Point Display

Task 13: Using the Parameter Sweep

SPICE Controller Appendix

Simulation Frame

Frame Netlist Out

Frame Operating Point Display

Task 14: Frame Netlist Out

Task 15: Netlist Out (Automatic Voltage Generation)

Task 16: Monte Carlo Analysis