Using Numeric Values in SPICE Controller

Working with SPICE Controller, you will encounter a wide range of numeric values. These include constants and analysis conditions for resistors, inductors, and capacitors, and parameter values for device models. In general, the following rules apply or these numeric values.

Scale Factors

The notation for these factors is almost the same as the standard notation, except for mega and micro. The following table indicates the required notation for eCADSTAR SPICE Controller.

Standard                 SPICE Controller    
tera T   T t E+12
giga G   G g E+9
mega M   MEG meg E+6
kilo K   K k E+3
milli m   M m E-3
micro µ   U u E-6
nano n   N n E-9
pico p   P p E-12
femto f   F f E-15


There is no need to enter units such as (Ohms), V (Volts) or A (Amperes). In SPICE, only the numbers (and scale factor) are recognized. This is because the units of constants and parameters are defined in advance.


Units may be entered for some other specific purpose. For example, to make it easier to view a schematic. However, take care to make sure that units are not mistaken for scale factors. If numeric values are not accompanied by a scale factor, the units of capacitance, F (farad), for example, may be mistaken for the scale factor F (femto). Also, the units of length m (meter) may be mistaken for the scale factor m (milli).