Task 9: Creating a Transient Analysis

  1. Continuing from the previous task, in SPICE Controller Manager, click Analysis Settings A picture containing text, screenshot Description automatically generated on the ribbon. The Analysis Settings dialog is displayed.

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  1. In the dialog, select the "Analysis 1" row and click Copy. This will add a new row in the table, copying all the contents.
  2. Rename this row to "Transient Analysis".
  3. In the dialog, select the "Analysis 1" row and add two more rows using the Copy command. Name them "DC Sweep Analysis" and "AC Sweep Analysis", respectively.
  4. Ensure Transient Analysis is selected, and click OK to exit the dialog.

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  1. A Save prompt is displayed. Click Yes to save the analysis settings.
  2. On the SPICE Controller Manager ribbon, click Insert Analysis Condition Icon Description automatically generated. The Analysis Condition dialog is displayed.

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  1. In the Insert Analysis Conditions dialog, select Transient and click OK.

  1. In SPICE Controller Manager, double-click "Transient 1". The Transient - SPICE Controller Manager dialog is displayed.

  1. In the dialog, specify the following.
  • Stop time: 2m ( representing 2 milliseconds ).
  • Print step: 1u ( representing 1 microsecond ).
  • Time to start saving data: 0 ( data is saved from the start of the recording).
  1. Click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog.
  2. On the SPICE Controller Manager ribbon, click Save Icon Description automatically generated to save the current data.
  3. On the ribbon, click Net Output, Simulation Icon Description automatically generated. This outputs an updated SPICE netlist. LTspice launches, and performs a simulation using the data from eCADSTAR SPICE Controller.


The LTspice application may open with no items selected or displayed.
Timeline Description automatically generated.


  1. Within the LTspice application, click Plot Settings on the ribbon and select Visible Traces.
  2. In the Visible Traces dialog, Select signals V(vin) and V(out) using the Ctrl key. When selected, click OK.

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

  1. After clicking OK, the signals are shown on the graph.


In the transient characteristics, time variation is represented on the x-axis. A 1KHz sine wave with an input signal of 1V is amplified to 2V, represented by the V(out) waveform.


A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence

  1. Close the LTspice application and return to SPICE Controller Manager.