Task 6: Performing Eye Pattern Analysis

This topic describes how to perform Eye Pattern Analysis. This allows you to analyze Jitter in a High-Speed circuit. The term Eye Pattern is used because the distribution of overlapped waveforms has the appearance of eyes.

  1. On the toolbar in Electrical Editor, click Eye Pattern Analysis.

  1. The Eye Pattern Analysis dialog is displayed.

  1. Point the cursor in the Stimulus column, and click the displayed button. The Stimulus dialog is displayed.

  1. Select "Z_533MHz" in the list of available Stimuli, and click OK to close the dialog and confirm the selection. The Eye Pattern Analysis dialog is updated with the stimulus details.

  1. Click Execute to start the analysis process. Analysis Result Viewer starts, and displays the calculated eye pattern.

  1.   Switch filter settings as shown in the image below, and then click Display All Graphs.

  1. Select File > Exit to close Analysis Result Viewer.
  2. Select File > Exit to close Electrical Editor.


This task is demonstrated in the following video.