Signal Attributes

This section describes how to check and set the signal attributes related to EMI analysis.

  1. In the Classification view, select to the Net tab.
  2. Check the V Min, V Max, V Supply, Rise Time and Fall Time values. These values represent the driver characteristics (switching characteristics) in a signal, and are the source in the analysis.


If a simulation model is assigned, then these attributes are automatically set, based on the model information. If two or more drivers are found, then the worst case is adopted.


  1. Configure the signal settings as follows.
  2. For "CLK", first set Signal Type to Clock.
  3. Next, enter "66" in the Clock (MHz) column.
  4. Utilization is automatically set to High.

Based on these settings, "CLK" is handled as the clock signal.


  • One of the following signal types must be assigned to each signal according to its feature: Control, Data, Bus, Clock, Analog, Power or Ground. Signal types other than Power or Ground are not delivered from eCADSTAR, and must be set using the PI/EMI analysis module. When a signal type is unknown or is not covered by the above signal types, then it is classified as UK.
  • Utilization represents the gradient at which a signal operates. One of the following levels are assigned to a signal according its feature.
  • High: the signal is handled as an emitter in EMI analysis. This indicates that the signal operates at the same gradient as the clock frequency that is set.
  • Medium: the signal is handled as an emitter in EMI analysis. This indicates that the signal operates at half the gradient of the clock frequency that is set.
  • Low: the signal is handled as a non-emitter in EMI analysis. This level indicates that the signal usually does not operate, and is therefore considered only for the calculation of crosstalk noise received from adjacent signals.


  1. If an attribute such as signal type is changed, then some functions are restricted to maintain consistency. When this occurs, the data must be re-classified. Do this by executing the   Classify command, which is made available.
  2. Click  Classify to process the modified data.
  3. After execution, the  Classify button is made unavailable.


This task is demonstrated in the following video.