Checking the Simulation Model
EMI, PI and DC analysis refer to a simulation model that is assigned to components in the design data. This topic describes how to check the simulation model that is assigned to the IC components in the design data.
In Constraint Browser, open the Components tab, and click Select all items
. The component information is displayed in the table on the right.
- In the table on the right, select the Analysis tab and check the contents in the Device Name column. Note there are no Simulation Devices assigned.
- On the Constraint Browser menu bar, click Utility > Manage Simulation Library. The eCADSTAR Simulation Library Manager is displayed.
- Select the Import
button on the toolbar. An Open dialog is displayed.
- Browse to “C:\Users\Public\eCADSTAR\eCADSTAR [Version]\Analysis\Sim_Models”.
- Select the PI_models.ixfz file and click Open. The Import selection dialog is displayed.
- In the list on the left, click and drag to select all items marked as "Device".
- Click the
Import button on the toolbar. The Import Assistant dialog is displayed.
- The Import Assistant dialog lists the devices that are imported from the selection. If items are highlighted in red, then they are already in the design's simulation library. Ensure that the Rename all items using check box is not selected, and then click Next.
- The next page of the Import Assistant dialog lists the models that are imported to the design’s Simulation Library.
These are the models that are associated with the selected devices. Existing items are highlighted in red.
- Ensure that the Rename all items using check box is not selected, and then click Finish. The devices and models are imported to the design’s Simulation Library.
- Click File > Close in the eCADSTAR Simulation Library Import dialog.
- In the Devices tab of the eCADSTAR Simulation Library Manager, ID column, enter the values shown in the image below. This defines the Part Name of the components in the design to which devices and models are assigned.
- Click File > Exit to close the eCADSTAR Simulation Library Manager dialog.
- In Constraint Browser, select Utility > Reload Simulation Library.
This starts the process of loading and automatically assigning simulation devices to components within the design. This process aims to match the component Part Name to the ID specified in the Simulation Library Manager.
When completed, the Auto-Assign
Simulation Models to Components report is displayed. This shows
details of failed and successful Simulation Device assignments.
- In the report dialog, click Close. When devices are assigned to components, a report dialog is displayed which shows component pins that are not assigned to a pin model. This occurs when the pin on the component is not connected to a net.
- Click Close in the report dialog to continue.
- The grid in the Constraint Browser, Analysis tab that displays component information is updated to show the Simulation Device assignment to the components.
Passive components do not require simulation devices to be assigned. The status of passive components is defined by the Passive Type and Value system attributes.
This task is demonstrated in the following video.