Starting the PI/EMI Analysis Module

This topic describes how to launch the PI/EMI analysis module, and configure the display and view settings. When the PI/EMI analysis module is launched, the following actions are executed.

  • All area fill data of the same net is merged.
  • Component types are recognized.
  • Attributes for signals are recognized.
  • Information such as layer configuration is recognized.

After launching this module, you can continue operating other eCADSTAR tools. However, the above actions are only executed when the PI/EMI analysis module is next launched.

  1. On the ribbon in eCADSTAR PCB Editor, click Analysis > PI/EMI > PI/EMI Analysis.

The PI/EMI Analysis module is launched.

  1. Close the Supply Pin Type Report dialog that appears.

Display Settings

Configure the display and view settings as follows. The PI/EMI analysis module comprises four views (windows). Each view displays result, classification or analysis information.

  1. On the PI/EMI Analysis module toolbar, click Options. The Options dialog is displayed.

  1. In the Options dialog, General tab, set the values shown in the image below.
  2. Number of Decimal Places: sets the number of decimals.
  3. Units: sets the units for each cell (attribute or analysis result).
  4. Preferred Action: specifies the action associated with double-clicking in a results cell.
  5. Cell Button: controls the display of the button which launches an additional dialog from within a cell.

  1. Click OK to close the Options dialog.
  2. On the menu bar of the PI/EMI Analysis module, select Window > Tile to check the outline of the views.


This task is demonstrated in the following video.