Task 12: Viewing a Pin Pair Route Report

This topic describes how to create a report on pin pair routes, delays, and characteristic impedance.

  1. In Constraint Browser, select the "DDR_DQ_1" Skew Group and right-click it.
  2. In the displayed assist menu, click Create Pin Pair Routing Report. The Pin Pair Routing Report dialog is displayed.

  1. Set View mode to Delay.
  2. In the View option field, select Characteristic Impedance.
  3. For each pin pair, you can check the following route characteristics: the length/delay, the routing layer, the track width and the characteristic impedance of the routed pin pair in the design.

  • All the table data, including the header row, can be copied to the clipboard. Right-click in the grid, and select Copy Entire Table on the assist menu.
  • The Topology Template Manager dialog allows you to create a topology template for pin pairs, including junctions. It also allows you to set the track length, track width stack and characteristic impedance of each pin pair. The topology templates can be assigned to signals in the design.



This task is demonstrated in the following video.