Task 11: Activ-45 Routing

In this task, you will route a track using the Activ-45 routing tool. This is a powerful tool that helps you to route tracks by guiding you around obstacles and suggesting potential routes.

  1. Re-open the design Design4.pdes or use your placed design.
  2. Ensure that all Net and Layer Settings remain according to Task 9.
  3. From the Net/Route tab, click the Add Route button.
  4. Set Routing Style to Activ-45.
  5. Click Pin 3 of IC1 to start the routing process and drag across towards Pin 1 of R3. The track will begin routing automatically, as shown below.

Figure 1: Commencing Track Routing

  1. Move the cursor over Pin 1 of R3. The route will be automatically completed as shown below. Optionally, corners can be manually inserted by clicking on the canvas. You have now routed a track using the Activ-45 router.

Figure 2: Completing Routing the Track

  1. Referring to the previous tasks for guidance, route all remaining connections on the design.
  2. Click any VCC padstack on the canvas to begin routing from it.
  3. Double-click the canvas and select Conductor-3 in the displayed dialog. The active layer is changed to conductor 3.
  4. Right-click the canvas, and select Finish on the assist menu. A through via is created because of the rules that are set in the Rule Editor. This allows you to generate a template on this layer in the next task.

Task 11 is demonstrated in the following video.

 You will look at Positive Power Planes and Template Areas in the next section.