Performing PI Analysis

PI analyses are performed for the power bus in the eCADSTAR PI/EMI Analysis module. The power bus indicates the "decoupling of power and ground". A combination is automatically created that is based on the information in the supply system. This topic describes how to set the power bus, and perform PI analysis.

  1. On the menu bar in the eCADSTAR PI/EMI Analysis module, click Window > Power Bus. Alternatively, press the Ctrl and 3 keys.
  2. Select the Power Bus view, and select the relevant filter buttons in the Power Bus Systems section.


The power bus that is selected in the Filter box will be analyzed.


  1. Select the VCC_GND power bus, and click PI Analysis on the toolbar.


There may be a delay in completing the PI Analysis.


  1. When the analysis is completed, the PI tab in the Power Bus view is selected, and the result is displayed.


This task is demonstrated in the following video.