Setting up Signals

This topic describes how to check the voltage of signals, and assign a stimulus.

Checking Signal Voltages

To correctly analyze electrical nets that are connected to power or ground, voltages must be defined.

  1. In Constraint Browser, click the Signals button.
  2. Deselect E-net,    Differential pair and  Bus.
  3. Select only  Power/Ground. Only the power and ground nets are listed.

  1. Click Select all items. Information on power/ground nets is displayed in the table on the right.
  2. Check the respective voltage values.

Assigning a Stimulus

Using the Stimulus dialog, assign a stimulus to a signal as follows.

  1. Deselect Power/Ground, and select Differential pair. Only differential pairs are listed in the tree.

  1. Expand differential pair DDR_CLK_N, and select E-Net DDR_CLK _N.
  2. In the table on the right, select the Analysis tab.

  1. Point the cursor in the Stimulus cell to display the button. Click this button to display the Stimulus dialog.

  1. Type "533MHz" in the Stimulus Filename box, and click Add.

  1. Select Periodic Pulses in the Bit Pattern box.
  2. Enter "533MHz" in the Frequency box, in the Clock section.

  1. Click Save, and then click OK to close the dialog.
  2. Confirm that "533MHz" is set in the Stimulus column.


This task is demonstrated in the following video.