Library Architecture

The library is at the heart of a design process. It is a master folder where symbols, parts, footprints, 3D models, design rules and technologies (layer-stack definitions) are stored and edited.

This centralization allows the creation and editing of library data to be more easily controlled, supporting collaboration between many users, at different design stages and on different designs.

Figure 1: The Library Architecture

Library Editor Architecture

Library Editor allows you to edit the footprints, parts, symbols, design rules and PCB technologies in the library using specific editors.

Figure 2: The Library Editor interaction with the Library

There are six libraries in a fully integrated eCADSTAR system. These are described below.

Library Editor Description
Symbol Symbol Editor Contains the symbols that are used in schematic design. This includes non-electrical symbols for drawing formats.
Footprint Footprint Editor Contains the footprints for PCB design. Library layers, pads and padstacks are also contained in this library, as well as non-electrical footprints. Non-electrical footprints are used for items such as drawing formats, logos and ESD markers.
Part Part Editor Associates symbols and footprints to form a part. Each part has the schematic pins mapped to component pads. Functional definitions and attributes are included in a part.
Technology Technology Editor Generic layer builds for PCB design. Library layers are mapped to PCB design layers.
Design Rule Rule Editor Design rules and board configurations for PCB design.
3D Model Foot Three-dimensional mechanical representation models for PCB design.

Library’s interaction with PCB Editor

When you create a schematic or PCB design, Schematic and PCB Editors reference the same library. You can also edit PCB technologies and design rules in eCADSTAR PCB Editor.

Note: Changes made in the eCADSTAR PCB Editor are local to that design only.

Figure 3: The Library's interaction with eCADSTAR PCB Editor

Library’s interaction with Schematic Editor

When placing a symbol on a schematic, a copy of the symbol is stored locally with the schematic data. You can also place a part on the schematic.

Note: The part’s symbol and a copy of the properties, relating to the part and footprint, are stored locally in that design.

Figure 4: The Library's interaction with eCADSTAR Schematic Editor

eCADSTAR Architecture

The diagram below shows the complete Library system and interactions with other eCADSTAR tools.

Figure 5: The Complete eCADSTAR System

eCADSTAR Library Editor can be opened from within both the eCADSTAR PCB Editor and eCADSTAR Schematic Editor. In both applications, the Component tab has a Library Section on the ribbon:

Figure 6: Accessing Library Editor in Schematic Editor

Figure 7: Accessing Library Editor in PCB Editor

Warning: Library content should only be accessed and modified using the eCADSTAR Library Editor application. Do not attempt to modify any of library content that was created using any other applications, to ensure errors do not occur.