Checking the Voltage Distribution

This topic describes how to check the voltage and current distributions as the result of DC analysis.

  1. In the eCADSTAR PI/EMI Analysis module, select the Power Bus view.
  2. Select the DC tab, and then check the minimum value of the supply voltage. This value indicates whether a large voltage drop has occurred.

  1. To check the supply voltage value for each IC, select the DC IC tab and click the column label twice for the V Min (%) column. The values in this column are sorted in ascending order. Notice that the IC device "U19" has the lowest supply voltage.

  1. Right-click the cell of the IC device with a value of "4.981V", and select Supply Pin Voltages on the assist menu. The Supply Pin Voltages dialog is displayed. This allows you to check the attained voltage for each pin.

  1. Click Close to close the Supply Pin Voltages dialog.
  2. Send the voltage distribution to the canvas by clicking   Display DC-Analysis result maps on the toolbar. This displays the PI/EMI Analysis results, including the voltage distribution, on the canvas.


DC-Analysis must have previously been performed.



This task is demonstrated in the following video.