Task 25: Adding an Unroute Row

In this task, you will add an Unroute row to the start of the strategy. This strategy file can be run continually as the first task, as it will unroute all previously-generated routing.

  1. In eCADSTAR PCB Editor, open the design Unrouted.pdes.
  2. On the canvas, select "routing_area1".
  3. On the ribbon, select Net/Route > Autorouting > Autorouter. The Routing Strategy dialog is displayed.
  4. In the Routing Strategy dialog, select the first task by clicking in one of the cells in the top row. Alternatively, select the whole row by clicking "1" at the left side of the top row.

Figure 1: Selecting a Task

  1. In the Routing Strategy dialog, Table section, click Add Row.
  2. Confirm that a new Autoroute task is added as the first task.
By default, any new row that is added in the Routing Strategy dialog is a task to autoroute the whole design.
  1. In the Operation column, double-click in the top row and select Unroute.

Figure 2: Selecting an Operation

  1. In the Text/Comment column, you can type some text which describes the purpose of the task, if required.
  2. In the Routing Strategy dialog, Strategy File section, click Save or Save As to save the strategy file. In the displayed Save Strategy File dialog, type "Mystrategy .rcc" in the File name box.
  • If you give the strategy file the same name as the routing area, then the routing strategy is automatically opened when the Autorouter is next launched. In this instance, it is named routing_area1.rcc. As a result, the strategy file can be continually run and re-run, as the first task will unroute all previously-generated routing.
  • At this stage, clicking Save performs the same action as Save As.  This is because the strategy has never been saved. After the file is defined, clicking Save will overwrite the currently-open strategy file.

This procedure is demonstrated in the following video.