Task 5: Adding Gates

A gate that is added to a schematic can be a gate in the traditional sense, like an AND gate within a QUAD AND logic device. It can also be a subset of the pinout of a part, such as 2 lanes of PCI Express I/O, within a large Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). This is illustrated below.

Figure 1: Alternative types of Gate

Refer to Figure 2, below, when completing this task.

  1. On the eCADSTAR Schematic Editor ribbon, select Home > Add > Part. The Part dialog is displayed.
  2. In the Part dialog, set Reference: Auto Generate to OFF.
  3. Set the Reference box to IC6.
  4. In the Part dialog, click the "..." button by the Part Name box. The Library Searcher panel is displayed.
  5. In the Library Searcher panel, double-click the part name CD4093BM96. This part symbol is added to the cursor.
  6. In the Part dialog, set Gate Number to “4” to select the fourth internal gate within this logic device.
  7. Click the canvas to place the gate on the schematic. Press the Escape key to exit the Add > Part command.
  8. On the schematic, right-click the gate and select Flip Horizontally on the assist menu.
  9. On  the eCADSTAR Schematic Editor ribbon, select Home > Add > Part. The Part dialog is displayed.
  10. In the Part dialog, set Reference: Auto Generate to OFF.
  11. Set the Reference box to R20.
  12. In the Part dialog, click the "..." button by the Part Name box. The Library Searcher panel is displayed.
  13. In the Library Searcher panel, double-click the part name CRCW040210K0FKED. This part symbol is added to the cursor.
  14. Right-click and select Rotate by Specified Angle. The resistor should now be vertical.
  15. Click on the schematic to place the resistor. Press the Escape key to exit the Add > Part command.
  16. Copy the GND0V symbol, select a symbol on the canvas and press Ctrl+C.
  17. Paste the symbol using Ctrl+V. Move the symbol terminal over the bottom terminal of the resistor R20, and click to place on the canvas.

Figure 2: Resistor R20

  1. Drag the ground symbol downwards away from the resistor. The two symbols are connected.

Figure 3: Resistor R20 and Connected Ground Symbol

  1. On the eCADSTAR Schematic Editor ribbon, click Home > Add > Net.
  2. On the canvas, connect the components to create the circuit shown below.

Figure 4: Circuit with Gate Added


  • You can continue to complete your own version of the training schematic design now. Alternatively, follow Task 6 to progress through the Schematic training. To complete your own version of the design, refer to the sample schematic design: C:\Users\Public\eCADSTAR\eCADSTAR [version]\Designs\DIY_Training\SCH\DIY_Training\DIY_Training.sdes.
  • If you do not complete your own version of the design, then use the sample design provided in Task 6.


The above procedure is demonstrated in the following video.