Task 10 (Optional): Adding User-defined Attributes

In this optional task, you will add a user-defined attribute using the Attribute Manager dialog, and assign values to it.

  1. In eCADSTAR Library Editor, click Home > Editors > Attribute Manager on the ribbon. The Attribute Manager dialog is displayed.
  2. In the Attribute Manager dialog, click Add Attribute and type “My_DIY_Attribute” in the Label column.
  3. Select the columns for the attribute My_DIY_Attribute as shown below. These settings ensure that it is editable in eCADSTAR Schematic Editor, and read-only in eCADSTAR PCB Editor.
  4. Point the cursor in the List column, and click the displayed button. The Edit List dialog is displayed. This allows you to specify a list of attribute values that can be selected.
  5. In the Edit List dialog, click Add value and create attribute values "Attribute_1", "Attribute_2" and "Attribute_3". These values will be available from a drop-down list for the attribute My_DIY_Attribute.
  6. Close the Edit List dialog and Attribute Manager dialog by clicking OK.
  7. Save the Library and close eCADSTAR Library Editor.

This procedure is demonstrated in the following video.