Task 19: Cutting Symbol Marks

The Cut Symbol Mark command allows you to cut back component outlines that are obscuring holes, resist and board outline to avoid overlapping. Data in all Symbol Mark and assembly layers that are set to be visible are subject to cutting.


  • Make sure the appropriate Symbol Mark or assembly layer is displayed.
  • Ensure that the Resist-A layer is set to ON.
  • Select Cut Symbol Mark on the Draw tab.

Figure 1: The Cut Symbol Mark Dialog

  • Set the clearance between the symbol mark and the board outline in the Cut Symbol Mark dialog.
  • Set the clearances between symbol mark to holes and resists in the Rule Editor dialog, Non Conductor tab.
  • Click any individual symbol mark, or window select. Symbol marks are trimmed.
  • To reset the symbol marks, it would be necessary to reload the component. Do this as follows:
  • On the eCADSTAR PCB Editor ribbon, click Component > Library > Reload. The Reload dialog is displayed.
  • In the Type box, select Footprint. Select the footprints to be reloaded. The original library footprint is reloaded.

Task 19: Cutting Symbol Marks

In this task you will cut back the symbol mark on your design.

In order to complete this task, the Hole layer must be visible. In the Layer Settings dialog, select the Visible layer check box for this layer.
  1. Continue to use the design from the previous task or reload the Design7.pdes design.
  2. On the eCADSTAR PCB Editor ribbon, select Home > Design Rules > Rule Editor.
  3. In the Rule Editor dialog, Non Conductor tab, set the Symbol Mark – Hole field to "0.2000" if not currently set to this value, and click OK.

Figure 2: Setting the Symbol mark - Hole spacing value

  1. On the eCADSTAR PCB Editor ribbon, select Draw > Cut Symbol Mark > Cut Symbol Mark.
  2. In the Cut Symbol Mark dialog, Spacing box, specify a value of "1.0".
  3. On the canvas, click the top edge of component X2. Use the Component Selector to find the component within the design.

Figure 3: Cutting Back the Symbol Mark

  1. The symbol mark is cut back to avoid any obstacles as shown.
  2. A message is displayed when the operation is complete.

This task is demonstrated in the following video.

You have now cut back the symbol mark. Next, you will add dimension lines to your design.