Hole Drawing Command

The Hole Drawing command allows you to create hole drawing symbols for round holes, slot holes and holes in a padstack. A hole drawing table can also be created, and shown on the canvas.


  • On the eCADSTAR PCB Editor ribbon, select Draw > Hole > Hole Drawing.
  • In the Hole Drawing dialog, ensure that all required rows are selected within the Draw column.
  • In the Other Settings tab, set the character width, height, spacing, pen width, character angle and justification.
  • In the Shown columns table, select the relevant layers that you want to display, and click OK. A report is generated that details the size, shape and number of drills.
  • Drill symbols are also generated for the active layer, on the layer specified as the generation layer. A drill table is also generated.

Task 21: Hole Drawing Creation

In this task, you will create hole drawing symbols, a hole report and a drill table that gives details of the holes in your design.

  1. Open the design Design6.pdes, if it is not already in use, or use your own, completed design.
  2. On the eCADSTAR PCB Editor ribbon, select Draw > Hole > Hole Drawing.

Figure 1: The Hole Drawing Settings

When the Hole Drawing dialog is launched, the Hole Drawing Table tab and the symbol positions are automatically refreshed.
  1. Ensure that all rows are selected in the Draw column. Specify the above settings in the dialog.
  2. In the Other Settings tab, specify the settings shown below.

Figure 2: Setting Values from the Other Settings Tab

  1. Click OK. A report is generated as shown below:

Figure 3: The Hole Drawing Report

Note that the drill symbols and drill table are also created during this process. To view these:

  1. Set the active layer to "Manufacturing _Drawing". The table shown below, along with the drill symbols can now be viewed within the layout area.

Figure 4: Hole Data Shown Within the Layout Area

Figure 5: The Drill Drawing

This task is demonstrated in the following video.

You have now successfully created a Drill Drawing and Hole Data table.

Next topic: Scale by Area