Task 7: Parametric Footprint Generation

In this task, you will generate a footprint for the MOLEX_0022272061 Plated Through-Hole (PTH) connector. You will use the Parametric Generation command this time, rather than generate the footprint manually.

  1. In eCADSTAR Library Editor, select the Footprints tab.
  2. On the eCADSTAR Library Editor ribbon, click Home > Rows > Add. A new row, named "NewFootprint-1", is added in the Footprints tab.
  3. Click on "NewFootprint-1" and change it to "DIY_CONN6".
  4. Right-click DIY_CONN6, and select Edit Footprint on the assist menu.
  5. In the displayed Warning dialog, click Yes. The Footprint Editor is launched.
  6. On the Footprint Editor ribbon, click Footprint > Generate > Parametric split button > Connector/ZIP. The Parametric Generation (Connector/ZIP) dialog is displayed.

Figure 1: Selecting Connector/ZIP

  1. In the Parametric Generation (Connector/ZIP) dialog, select the Pin Shape tab.
  2. In the Pin count settings section, enter the following parameters to define the shape dimensions.
  3. Pin count m: 6
  4. Pin count n: 1
  5. Pin pitch W: 2.540
  6. Pin pitch L: 0.000
  7. Pin angle: 0.000
  1. In the Padstack Name box, load the padstack DIY-c200h120m220 that you created earlier.
  2. In the Position box, select Center.

Figure 2: Setting Pin Shape Parameters

  1. Select the Symbol Mark tab and set the parameters shown below.

Figure 3: Setting Symbol Mark Parameters

  1. Select the Component Area tab, and set the parameters shown below.

Figure 4: Setting Component Area Parameters

  1. Click OK in the Parametric Generation (Connector/ZIP) dialog.

Figure 5: The Generated Footprint

  1. Using the previously-described methods, ensure the Top_Silk shape and orientation markers are added to the footprint, and padstacks are assigned Pins. When completed, the footprint should look similar to the image shown below.

Figure 6: The Completed Footprint

  1. Save and Close the Footprint.

This task is demonstrated in the following video.

Next topic: Alternate Footprints

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