Task 1: Creating Buses

In this topic, you will define the buses that are required for the supplied DDR2 design.

  1. On the Start menu, click eCADSTAR [Version] > PCB Editor [Version]. eCADSTAR PCB Editor is launched.
  2. In the File tab, click Open. Alternatively, click Open on the Home Ribbon. The Open dialog is displayed.
  3. Browse to the following location and click Open:

C:\Users\Public\eCADSTAR\eCADSTAR [Version]\Designs\DIY_Training\PCB_HS\DIY_HS_1_start.pdes.

Figure 1: DIY_HS_1_start.pdes Design

  1. On the Home tab on the ribbon, click Design Rules > Constraint Browser. Constraint Browser is launched in a new window.
  2. On the Constraint Browser ribbon, click Edit > Bus Manager. The Bus manager dialog is launched in a new window.

Figure 2: Constraint Browser

  1. In the Bus manager dialog, select the E-Nets LPDDR2_CA[0] to LPDDR2_CA[9] from the available signal list.
  2. In the Create Bus box, name the bus "LPDDR2_CA[0-9]".

Figure 3: Bus Manager Dialog

  1. Click Create to create the bus.

Figure 4: Bus Manager Dialog

  1. This is shown in the Signal tree with the "bus" icon.

Figure 5: Signal Tree

  1. Using the same method, create the following additional buses.
Bus Name Signals
LPDDR2_DQ[0-63] LPDDR2_DQ [0-63]

Figure 6: Bus Manager Dialog

  1. Save the design to the location: C:\Users\Public\eCADSTAR\eCADSTAR [version]\Designs\DIY_Training\PCB_HS\MyHSDesign1.pdes. You will use this design later in the course.

This above procedure is demonstrated in the following video.