Task 6: Netlist Out to SPICE Controller

  1. Continuing in the same design, navigate to the Analysis tab on the ribbon. In the SPICE Controller group,  select Netlist Out.

  1. After clicking Netlist Out, the Netlist Out dialog is displayed. If a request to save changes is displayed, click Yes to continue.

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

  1. In this dialog, ensure Automatic Voltage Generator is not selected, and Hierarchical Output Format is set to Flat. Click Execute.

  1. Click OK to close the information dialog that is displayed.

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

  1. SPICE Controller Manager is launched automatically after confirmation of the netlist output.


If SPICE Controller Manager does not launch automatically, then launch it by selecting Analysis > SPICE Controller group > Manager on the ribbon.